How to report an issue?
We want Teaming to be safe and transparent. For this to be possible, your help is key. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have seen any type of inappropriate or incorrect content on the website, if you are experimenting any issue or if you have a doubt about a Group.
In all these cases, please contact us using this form. The Teaming team will give you an answer and ask you for more details as soon as possible. Please note that we review all complaints but are a small team, so please bear with us. In order to better address your problem, we will need the following documents:
- in case of incorrect or inappropriate content: description of the problem, exact name or link of the affected group or section.
- in case of an incident with the Website: description of the problem, device used and access details (wifi or data), the email of the profile in which you encounter the issue, screenshot of the error.
- in case of a suspicion of undue payment: a detailed payment screenshot, the email linked to your Teaming profile, your full name and surname.
- in case of suspicion of a crime: police report or court sentence (it is a crucial document because without it, unfortunately we cannot act), detailed description of the facts, person and group affected.